Tuesday 13 December 2011

Sponsor A Child

Education is the foundation to a child's success.  In Canada we are blessed with the opportunity to educate our children, however elsewhere in the world others are not so lucky.  In the village of Ulamba, Kenya, the cost of sending a child to school for a year is often more than a family can afford.  Many children in rural Kenya are orphaned and uncared for, dependent on the support of their relatives and community who struggle to provide for them.  Children without an education do not stand a chance of improving their quality of life, and the cycle of poverty and dependency continues.

The costs for tuition for the 2012 school year as estimated by FORWAC (Friends of Rural Women and Children):

    $100 for an elementary student
    $250 for a highschool student
    $500 for a highschool student boarding
    $750 for a college student

    We are hoping to pay for the tuition of as many students at Ulamba Primary as we possibly can, starting with those who need the support the most.  Please help us reach our goals and make a difference by getting together with your friends, family or co-workers and sponsor a child.  If you are interested please email africaed2011@gmail.com, and make a difference!

Photo courtesy of Anna Lefsrud.

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